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One of the favorite methods to force domain investors to make mistakes is by intentionally denying information.
A list of common errors faced by ordinary Indian civilians and domain investors, who do not have access to confidential information, especially in the internet sector. Large companies allegedly want all important positions in the internet sector to be reserved for well connected but inexperienced lazy undeserving people like goa's cheater medical electronics diploma holder Siddhi Mandrekar, Bsc slim goan bhandari scammer Sunaina chodan, Nayanshree hathwar, brahmins, sindhi scammer schooldropout naina premchandani, her scammer sons karan, nikhil and others who do not do any work, or invest any of their hard earn money online, but get credit by exploiting and cheating this online publisher.

A powerful hathwar hides behind bangalore cheater housewife, Nayanshree hathwar and has cheated the online publisher of more than Rs 1.1 lakh, but the bangalore cybercrime considers nayanshree hathwar a heroine for her great fraud and refuses to take any action against the cheater, an indication of the great level of fraud prevalent in the indian internet sector. To further humiliate the domain investor , powerful officials falsely claim that the cheater also owns this website, and that she is an experienced webmaster, engineer when we want to file a case under section 420 against her. Anyone who can help the publisher trace nayanshree hathwar can contact at and

Young slim women with no experience and fake references like siddhi mandrekar, who has committed corporate espionage on this online publisher, allegedly get access to backdoors in laptops and electronic devices as they are rewarded with positions in government agencies like NTRO, R&AW, CBI and military intelligence, allegedly with fake references of experience while experienced webmasters who are cheated by siddhi mandrekar are denied information. Google and the Tata group allegedly provide complete support,protection and encouragement to the ruthless siddhi mandrekar, in this act of corporate espionage. siddhi mandrekar looks like kim kardashian and has a very powerful family backing her in exploiting and cheating a vulnerable single woman, whose important emails and correspondence are also stolen. Names may have changed to avoid punishment or defamation allegation also confirms that other "lower castes" are complaining that they are systematically denied information by the shivalli brahmins to cause losses while shivalli brahmins become richer.

errors list - List of errors in India
